Cartagena, Colombia – La Paleterria: A Sweet Secret

Cartagena is seriously hot. I’m talking extreme humidity. The kind where you’ll spend all day melting and take every chance you can to find places to cool down. Tiplr has the best way to do so and today’s Tip is to visit La Paletteria in the Old, walled Town for a Palette, to chill out in the best way possible!

What exactly is a Palette? I hear you ask… Well put simply, it’s an ice cream on a stick! And who doesn’t love ice cream, especially when it looks like this. I know usually a scoop will do, but ditch the cone in Cartagena and make more room for the creamy deliciousness found in this little hidden gem!


Mid-day in the hazy heat these go down a treat and there’s an endless supply of flavours so you can try one everyday! Our top picks are coconut, banana split, mocha and caramel. Oh and if that’s not enough to persuade you then how about the fact that you can custom-dip your palette into dark, milk and white chocolate, or even Nutella and Ferrero Rocher flavoured sauced: basically a build-your-own ice-cream factory! Oh and they have Air-Conditioning and a pretty light-fitting too. What more could you ask for… Bon Appetite, travelers!

Photo Credit: Author’s Own

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Pingback: Just an Opinion
  2. Great post, I just found out something about Cartagena I didn’t know!! Thank you…:-D


    1. Rose-Hannah Lishman says:

      Glad to hear! Thanks @davi85travel


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